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Rosa María Regueiro Ferreira
Universidade da Coruña
Vol 22 (2013): Economics of inequality, Special
Submitted: 26-09-2013 Accepted: 26-09-2013
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This paper presents a theoretical discussion from the approaches of institutional economics and the economics of energy, on the key elements of the fortress of renewable energy to achieve the welfare and sustainability in the medium and long term, in order to achieve a more equitable distribution of resources and to ensure the sustainability of the planet earth itself. From a largely descriptive methodology and analysis, it will present different positions adopted worldwide, and one of its objectives to achieve poverty reduction from renewable energy implementation. It will assess or at least explain which one is the cost of this development for poor countries, if supported by the minimum level of consumer income, and if the cost of this sustainable energy system is less than the traditional system fossil resources. In conclusion, the adoption of sustainable energy practices and renewable base is presented as development opportunity for the most disadvantaged regions, when they are considered from a comprehensive action strategy, and consider alternative ways of financing.
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