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Laura Camerotto
Scuola Statale dell’infanzia “ Il Flauto Magico” di Fossalta di Piave, Istituto Comprensivo E. Mattei di Meolo Venezia
Giuliana Fornasier
Scuola Statale dell’infanzia “ Il Flauto Magico” di Fossalta di Piave, Istituto Comprensivo E.Mattei di Meolo Venezia
María Ainoa Zabalza Cerdeiriña
Universidad de Vigo
Vol 6 No 1-2 (2017): Evaluación de contextos en educación infantil, Experiencias, pages 141-157
Submitted: 12-03-2018 Accepted: 12-03-2018 Published: 14-03-2018
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This article intends to describe and document the steps in a process of education to sexuality and affectivity made in childhood state school “The Magic Flute” of Fossalta di Piave (Venice), a small school setting with two sections, and fifty children children between three and six years and four teachers.
In addition, through the narration and video documentation, this paper wants to express and reinforce the idea that in kindergarten and ‘possible to develop any type of content as long as they create important motivational contexts. For motivational context we mean the ability to build a friendly and motivating environment, capable of promoting the development of relations and the learning process of each child. Activities with non-verbal language such as psychomotor, music and creativity are considered important for the inclusion and acceptance of children as well as becoming living spaces in which to create all the conditions and then place the foundations on which ‘ system of annual planning. This idea finds ample space the teaching laboratory, through which they implement the methodological and didactic principles of ‘learning by doing (learning by doing) and’ cooperative learning (cooperative learning) which is a specific teaching methodology through which children learn, helping each other and feeling of mutual co-responsible way. In this way of working documentation is of great value and is a memory material, reflective practice and major improvement for everyone: boys, girls, teachers, parents, school organizations.

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