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Santiago Rodríguez Caramés
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 22 (2023), Articles
Submitted: 22-01-2022 Accepted: 07-03-2022 Published: 30-09-2023
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In the early 70s, the peripheral position of Galician architecture started to change thanks to two factors: 1) the creation of COAG and ETSAC, and 2) the emergence of new generations of young architects that yearned for freedom in late Francoist Spain. The connections that developed between Galician architects –mainly those who had studied in Barcelona– and the Catalan and Italian schools were essential in the consolidation of this process. Tarragó, Martí, and Rossi played a major role in the renovation of Galician architecture. Throughout the 70s, they organized exhibitions, seminars, and conferences that reinforced these connections and made them live on in subsequent decades. Events like the SIAC in 1976 have proven to be essential milestones in the historical development of recent Galician architecture and emerge as significant landmarks when a critical and historiographical gaze is cast on this time period. The connections with these schools resulted in 1) the possibility to access a critical theoretical corpus on architecture, urbanism, and territory, and 2) a new status for many Galician architects who would become well-respected abroad. Furthermore, this influence is also visible in the actual constructions these architects built, of which several examples will be analysed.