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Javier Mañero Rodicio
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
No 21 (2022), Articles
Submitted: 18-03-2021 Accepted: 29-04-2021 Published: 18-11-2022
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Surrealism and Science fiction are outlined in the same historical moment. Beyond their very diverse literary and vital approaches, they share imaginaries, fields, authors and even creative methodologies. Through both Bretonnian and dissident Surrealism, as well as influential peripheral figures in the movement, certain moments or significant aspects are highlighted to analyze, on the one hand, the consideration and use of science and its technological derivations in surrealism, and on the other, the fictional dimension of science itself and of the fantastic considered from the surrealist assimilation of popular culture, especially cinema. In these concrete scientific and popular aspects of the surrealist sensibility it is possible to find, precisely, the meeting points between it and science fiction, identifying the shared mythologies that converge and are revealed in their respective fields. And with this, expand the study contexts of historical surrealism.