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José Luis Castro de Paz
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 12 No 12 (2013), Subject
Submitted: 10-12-2014 Accepted: 10-12-2014
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After years of research on the Spanish postwar cinema, this work presents the first theoretical and historiographical articulation of four styling models (sainetesco-costumbrista; obsessive-delusional; parodic-reflective and formalisticpictorial) for the period 1939-1950, resulting from the diverse and aesthetically successful crosses between narrative and visual standards already internationalized through Hollywood and popular Spanish cultural traditions (theater, literature, painting, music) that became –once transformed through the contact with the new medium– the most fertile nutrient material of our cinema since the silent period , but now under the pressure of a particularly grim and complex historical and political context. Such models are only but methodological weapons trying to provide a discursive order to what usually appears mixed in films, and to contribute to the deepest understanding of a wounded cinema, but also humorous and desolate, traditional and melancholy, reflective and spectral.
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