Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor).
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Author Guideliness.
  • If you are applying to a section of the journal which is reviewed by pairs, you should make sure that the instructions in Guaranteeing a blind review are followed.
  • If the paper contains any kind of material whose reproduction requires for permission, please indicate this circumstance (using Comments to the editor). Authors are responsible for respecting intellectual property when they reproduce materials as part of their works and must send the corresponding permissions to the journal.
    The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.


QUINTANA is a journal on History of Art, issued annually, which publishes original research papers about any of the specialities related to the Arts, including interdisciplinary approaches that enrich their study.

QUINTANA does not apply bias of race, gender or religion in the reception, acceptance and editing of papers.

The publication of research papers is structured in two sections: the first one – SUBJECT – is of a monographic character, and its content is planned beforehand by the Editorial Board, who invites well-known specialists in the chosen theme, whilst the second one – ARTICLES – is open to contributions about any theme.

The papers which are presented in the ARTICLES section will be subjected to prior review by the Editorial Board, and subsequent assessment using a double-blind review process with anonymity for both authors and reviewers (double-blind peer review process). The journal will use two reviewers, members of the Scientific Committee or academic experts, to assess each article received, and will resort to a third reviewer in the case of discrepancy. The articles which are finally published will include reception and acceptance dates. The journal’s Director and the Editorial Board will have ultimate and complete responsibility for the selection process, and will communicate the editorial decisions to the authors.

The authors accept that QUINTANA could diffuse the texts which are published therein, only to serve a scientific purpose, and without commercial profit, for any media, including Internet, and to incorporate these contents in the electronic databases of scientific journals. This diffusion must be understood as an assignment for the use of, “non-exclusive” cession, and only for this purpose, with temporally and territorially unlimited cession of the rights that correspond to the authors.


The papers must be original and unpublished. The authors undertake to sign a declaration of originality stating that the paper was not previously published, and that it will not be sent to any other journal while it is under the editorial process of QUINTANA. Papers may be written in Galician, Spanish, Catalonian, Portuguese, Italian, French or English. The maximum length will be 15–20 pages for the main text, using one and a half spaces and written only on one side of DIN-A4 sheets. The paper’s heading, the text, the endnotes and reference list will be written in Times New Roman size 12 type; long quotes will be written in size 10 type in a separate paragraph, in italics and without quotation marks.

The papers must be headed in the following way:

- Title of the article: centered, block capitals in bold, size 12

- Name and surnames of the author: below the title, centered, with small letters in italics of size 10

- University (or centre) to which the author belongs: below the name, centered with small letters of size 10

- ORCID identifier, according to the ORCID organization format: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097

- Institutional email

- Abstract of the article, no longer than 200 words

- Keywords from the article, maximum five

- Translation of the summary in English (abstract)

- Translation of the keywords in English (keywords)

QUINTANA adopts the standards of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, exclusively with the Notes and Bibliography System for endnotes.

The notes will be presented always at the end of the main text (footnotes are not accepted), and numbered consecutively. The indications to the endnotes within the text itself will be done in superscript.

The main body of text with endnotes will not present figures inserted.

The list of captions with their numbers  – position indicated in the main text following the format (fig. 1), (fig. 2), … –  will be included in a separate Word document.

The main body of text with endnotes and the list of captions must be accompanied by a “REFERENCES” list file. The list of references should be alphabetized by author’s last name. Each bibliographic entry should include: author name (last name first, separating last and first name with a comma), title of work (italicized for books and journals titles, but articles enclosed in quotation marks instead), and publication information about location, publisher name, and year. It is the authors' responsibility to locate and include the DOI of each article or book referenced in the bibliography.

As rules of presentation, the following examples should be scrupulously followed for formatting bibliographical references, both in the endnotes and in the list of references in the specific Word file. In case of doubt, please consult: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html

Books. One author:

ENDNOTES: Zadie Smith, Swing Time (New York: Penguin Press, 2016), 2–3.

CMOS does not recommend the use of "op. cit. Instead it is advised to use the abbreviated form for author and title for second and subsequent appearances in notes: Smith, Swing Time, 3.

REFERENCES LIST: Smith, Zadie. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2016.

Books. Editor, translator of compiler (no author):

ENDNOTES: John D’Agata, ed., The Making of the American Essay (Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016), 12–14.

REFERENCES LIST: D’Agata, John, ed. The Making of the American Essay. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016.

Books. Two or more authors:

ENDNOTES: Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 52.

REFERENCES LIST: Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.

Chapter or other part of book:

ENDNOTES: Emilio Alarcos Llorach, “Perfecto simple y compuesto.” en Estudios de gramática funcional del español, 13–39. Madrid: Gredos, 1970.

Alarcos Llorach, “Perfecto simple y compuesto,” 3.

REFERENCES LIST: Thoreau, Henry David. “Walking.” in The Making of the American Essay, edited by John D’Agata, 167–95. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016. 

Journal articles and Conference proceedings:

ENDNOTES: Anna Greenberg, "Race, Religiosity, and the Women's Vote," Women & Politics 22, no. 3 (2001): 61.

Greenberg, "Race,” 61.

REFERENCES LIST: Greenberg, Anna. "Race, Religiosity, and the Women's Vote." Women & Politics 22, no. 3 (2001): 59–82.

Thesis and academic works:

ENDNOTES: Cynthia Lillian Rutz, “King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2013), 99–100.

Rutz, “King Lear,” 158.

REFERENCES LIST: Rutz, Cynthia Lillian. “King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues.” PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2013.

Gázquez González, Manuel Jesús. “Caracterización y valorización de residuos generados en la industria de producción de dióxido de titanio.” Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Huelva. Departamento de Física Aplicada, 2010.


ENDNOTES: Donald Davidson, Essays on Actions and Events (Oxford: Clarendon, 2001), https://bibliotecamathom.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/essays-on-actions-andevents.pdf

REFERENCES LIST: Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/.

Russell, Martin. Beethoven's Hair: An Extraordinary Historical Odyssey and a Scientific Mystery Solved. New York: Broadway Books, 2001. ebrary collections ebook.

Online journals and Newspapers:

ENDNOTES: Kirsi Peltonen et al. “Parental Violence and Adolescent Mental Health,” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 19, no. 11 (2010): 813-822, doi: 10.1007/s00787-010-0130-8.

REFERENCES LIST: Peltonen, Kirsi, Noora Ellonen, Helmer B. Larsen, and Karin Helweg-Larsen. “Parental Violence and Adolescent Mental Health.” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 19, no. 11 (2010): 813-822. doi: 10.1007/s00787-010-0130-8.

Costa, Jordi. "Vetusta posmodernidad." El País (Madrid), Noviembre 2, 2007.


ENDNOTES: Amy Harmon, "DNA Gatherers Hit a Snag: The Tribes Don't Trust Them," New York Times, accessed December 10, 2006, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/10/us/10dna.html

“About Yale: Yale Facts,” Yale University, accessed May 1, 2017, https://www.yale.edu/about-yale/yale-facts

REFERENCES LIST: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla. “Guías de la BUS: Herramientas y guías para encontrar y gestionar la información.” Último acceso Mayo 1, 2014. http://guiasbus.us.es/guias.

Watson, Ivan. "Tunisians Vote in First Election Following Arab Spring." CNN.com. Last modified October 23, 2011. http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/23/world/africa/tunisia-elections/index.html

Figure captions:

Fig. 1. Gisbert Pérez, Antonio, Fusilamiento de Torrijos y sus compañeros en las playas de Málaga, 1888. Óleo, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Please refer to the complete Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), for issues that are not covered by these instructions: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html

The indentation of the first line of the paragraphs, both in the text and in the endnotes will be done with the “format” or “paragraph design” specific options from the toolbar. The maps, graphs, drawings, plans (without framing) and photographs will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (e.g. fig. 1, fig. 2, etc.). The corresponding list of illustrations must be as complete as possible (author, work, chronology, location and copyright if need be). The drawings will be done on good quality white paper. The photographs will be presented on format TIFF or JPEG with a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch. Up to 15 figures may be included in each paper.


QUINTANA is integrated in the Open Journal Systems, managed within the  Portal Dixital de Revistas da Universidade de Santiago de Compostelahttp://www.usc.es/revistas/index.php/quintana .  Each paper for the ARTICLES section must be presented by means of this OJS access. The authors need sign in –“Autores” in the main bar menu– and proceed with the indications to upload texts and illustrations.

It is highly recommended that the authors check the complete inclusion of the metadata corresponding to title, name, affiliation, contact, abstract, keywords, and ORCID identifier.

Submissions must include:

- Name and author’s institutional affiliation, email and ORCID.

- Manuscript, saved as Word document with endnotes (not footnotes).

- References list, saved as Word document.

- List of captions, numbered Fig. 1, Fig. 2, …

- Image files, JPEG or TIFF numbered files (Fig. 01, Fig 02…).

The editors reserve the right to make slight alterations to the papers received, with the sole objective of correcting mechanical or linguistic mistakes. If the modifications needed were significant, the author would be consulted to request his/her approval. The editors also reserve the right to not publish any figures which they consider to be of poor quality.

The proofs in .doc version will be reviewed by the authors, who must send them back within a week of reception. Any delay in sending back the proofs will mean that the article will be published without the author’s corrections. The edition and correction of layout errors is the sole responsibility of the publishers, as the persons in charge for the established style sheets.


QUINTANA accepts reviews of books on condition that reviewers do not share the same academic or institutional affiliation that the authors of the books. Reviews will be accepted by Editorial Board.

Reviews are limited to a maximum of 3.000 words (includes book title, author, editor or publisher data, ISBN and number of pages)

Contact E-mail: revistaquintana@gmail.com

Journal Website: www.usc.es/revistas/index.php/quintana