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María Auxiliadora Castillo Carballo
Universidad de Sevilla
Juan Manuel García Platero
Universidad de Sevilla
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: Las nuevas voces de ayer y hoy. Treinta años del DVUA / Coords.: M.ª Auxiliadora Castillo Carballo & Juan Manuel García Platero, Universidad de Sevilla
Submitted: 29-12-2023 Accepted: 06-05-2024 Published: 08-07-2024
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This article redefines the traditional criteria taken into account when considering a lexical item to be a neologism. The continuous technological changes, the importance of social networks and the decisions taken by the RAE have led to the modification, to a greater or lesser extent, of the parameters for considering whether or not we are dealing with a neologism. The importance of the social factor is perceptible, especially if we take into account the age variable, without forgetting the psychological perspective. Similarly, the temporal and lexicographical perspectives take on a different dimension.