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Carmen Cazorla Vivas
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: Las nuevas voces de ayer y hoy. Treinta años del DVUA / Coords.: M.ª Auxiliadora Castillo Carballo & Juan Manuel García Platero, Universidad de Sevilla
Submitted: 28-12-2023 Accepted: 29-05-2024 Published: 30-08-2024
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The approach and study of the new voices that were recorded in the different lexicographical repertoires is an issue that has interested various researchers, from different points of view, in parallel to other approaches to marking, such as archaisms or dialectal voices. Theoretical issues such as the definition of neologisms and their lexicographical representation, the position of academic dictionaries and non-academic repertoires, and how bilingual lexicography reflects these voices are aspects that we are going to address. We will focus our research on 18th century dictionaries, on monolingual repertoires (academic and Terreros) and on Spanish-French bilingual dictionaries (Séjournant, Cormon and Gattel), in order to analyse the inclusion (or not) of new voices marked by expressions such as ‘es voz moderna’, ‘voz introducida nuevamente’, or other similar ones, in the microstructure. On the one hand, we offer a comparative table with the new words that appear in each of the selected repertoires; on the other hand, we look at the macrostructure, understood in its broad sense, which includes the preliminaries of the selected works (to check what they say about the inclusion of new words or whether the word neologismo is included among their entries), the tables of abbreviations and the lemmas themselves. Finally, we look at the microstructure, i.e. the information that these repertoires provide about the selected voices.