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M.ª del Rosario Llorente Pinto
Universidad de Salamanca
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: El verbo en las lenguas románicas / Coord.: Susana Azpiazu, Universidad de Salamanca
Submitted: 27-06-2023 Accepted: 27-10-2023 Published: 13-05-2024
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In this paper we analyze the uses of the present perfect (PPC) and the past perfect (PPS) in combination with the temporal markers: ayer, jamás, previamente, recientemente, recién y ahora to establish a contrast between the uses of Spain and the of Spanish-speaking America. We took CORPES XXI as a source, in which 90 % of the texts correspond to written language and 10 % to oral language and verified that ahora is the marker that most favors the appearance of the PPC in most countries and with very high frequencies. The combination of this tense with ayer as was predictable, presents very low percentages, although the average for Peru reaches 2 %, which may indicate a greater tendency than in other areas towards its use as an aorist.