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Isaac Castrillo de la Mata
Universidad de Salamanca
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: El verbo en las lenguas románicas.
Submitted: 25-06-2023 Accepted: 05-02-2024 Published: 11-04-2024
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In Spanish there are different types of elements that allow us to express temporal information in order to situate the enunciated action in a timeline. Despite the different nature of these elements, we believe that they should all share a common content that allows them to convey information of a similar nature. In our opinion, this common characteristic lies in the vectorial character of these elements. In this paper we will propose an outline of a classification of these elements according to the type of vectoriality on which they are built. In addition, we will try to establish some kind of hierarchical organization of these elements according to the importance that speakers give them when interpreting the temporal information of the utterances.