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Susana Azpiazu
Universidad de Salamanca
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: El verbo en las lenguas románicas.
Submitted: 19-06-2023 Accepted: 22-02-2024 Published: 28-04-2024
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Based on an alleged functional parallelism between the Present Perfect (PP) and the periphrastic or analytic future (AF - ir a + infinitive) in Spanish, we analyse the semantic and functional behaviour of the latter form, its aspectual, temporal, modal and discursive nuances and its contrast with the Simple or Synthetic Future Form (SF). The theoretical analysis is based on empirical data extracted from the analysis of the spoken corpus of two Spanish-speaking cities, Buenos Aires and Madrid. The scope of the concept current relevance is analysed and the possibility of a contrast in terms of informative prominence is presented. The temporal structure of the AF (both with the auxiliary in the Present and the Imperfect form) is also explained in terms parallel to those exposed by Veiga (2014b, 2019) for the Present Perfect. We propose, there fore, the terms propresente and propretérito for both periphrastic futures, without ignoring that PP and AF are at a different stage of the grammaticalization / temporalization process within the Spanish verbal system.