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Fco. Javier Vellón Lahoz
Universitat Jaume I
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: El verbo en las lenguas románicas / Coord.: Susana Azpiazu, Universidad de Salamanca
Submitted: 08-05-2023 Accepted: 19-10-2023 Published: 12-02-2024
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This article presents a variationist research on Spanish modal periphrases of deontic value with three auxiliary verbs: haber, tener and deber. The study is based on a corpus of theatrical texts from the 16th century, made up of dramatic works covering the whole century and the different genres. The aim of the research is to contrast the results obtained on the grammatical, stylistic and social factors that condition the use of the different periphrases with those of previous works focusing on a corpus of texts close to the pole of communicative immediacy (mainly private letters). The purpouse of the work is to check whether the variable conditioning of periphrases responds to the same factors, and with the same direction of effect on their use, or whether, on the contrary, there are revealing differences between one discursive tradition and another.