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Klaus Zimmermann
Universität Bremen
Vol 27 (2021), Monográfico: Dimensión lingüística de la colonización: la lingüística misionero-colonial / Coordinadores:Joaquín Sueiro Justel (U. Vigo), María Rosa Pérez Rodríguez (U. Vigo)
Submitted: 03-11-2021 Accepted: 09-03-2022 Published: 10-11-2022
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As a result of the recent appearance in Germany of a research area called Colonial Linguistics (CL) in which Missionary Linguistics (ML) is usually included, a review of both areas of knowledge and research is offered as objects of interest of Linguistics Historiography (LH) and the fields of study or subareas (CL and Historiography of CL, ML and Historiography of ML) are delimited in order to explain the relationships between them, as well as their objectives and methods. Likewise, the differences that the study and development of these disciplines has had in the Ibero-Romance, French and German traditions are analyzed.