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Javier Roberto González
Vol 26 (2020), Articles, pages 123-148
Submitted: 08-09-2020 Accepted: 18-05-2021 Published: 30-06-2021
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The aim of this article is to offer a description, analysis and interpretation of allegories and metaphors referring to life and death in Jorge Manrique’s Coplas a la muerte de su padre, in the light of Hans Bumenberg’s Metaphorology, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Gaston Bachelard’s Material Imagination Theory, and Gilbert Durand’s Arquetipology. We intend to establish a cosmological dynamic structure for the seven analyzed images, in connection with the four natural elements (water, earth, fire, air), which are presented in the two main allegories of the first part of the poem in terms of substantial continuity, and in the five metaphors of the second part in terms of substantial antitheses.

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