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Ricardo Muñoz Solla
Universidad de Salamanca - IEMYRhd
Vol 25 (2019), Especial: Onomástica: lingüística y descripción, pages 217-235
Submitted: 31-05-2019 Accepted: 02-03-2020 Published: 07-07-2020
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The aim of this article is to give some insight into the onomastic recategorization processes in the judeoconverso names of 15th and 16th centuries through the study of the factors that conditioned the construction of their new identity: from the socioreligious aspects that regulated the name and surname changes of the Jewish minority to the linguistic forms adopted by the New Christians, which usually followed the same patterns of the Old Christian anthroponymic system. Thereby, it is intended to better document the onomastic changes among the Crypto-Jewish population and analyze the social uses and legal difficulties caused by this new situation, that can be traced in various sources, both inquisitorial and rabbinical.

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