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María Pilar Garcés Gómez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Vol 25 (2019), Articles, pages 763-786
Submitted: 28-04-2019 Accepted: 13-09-2019 Published: 08-07-2020
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This research aims to analyze the evolutionary process of a group of evidential discursive operators (dizque, al parecer, por lo visto) that indicate how the speaker has known the formation which is being communicated, with the objective of making a theoretical and methodological proposal of lexicographical representation in a historical dictionary that accounts for the different meanings and senses acquired through their development. We start from the hypothesis that these forms have originated through a process of grammaticalization by expansion which has, in turn, resulted in the free combinations becoming fixed constructions, with predicative autonomy and with a change in conceptual and procedural meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to explain how this process has developed, as well as to establish how and when the different senses arise and how they should be reflected in the different meanings included in the dictionary. Since they are procedural meanings, the definition should consist of a series of instructions that guide the interpretation of the statements in which they appear. Additionally, it is important to specify the significant similarities and differences between the values presented by these lexical units and establish the meanings that they can acquire in certain contexts.

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