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Carmen Fernández Juncal
Universidad de Salamanca
Vol 25 (2019), Especial: Onomástica: lingüística y descripción, pages 149-1747
Submitted: 26-02-2019 Accepted: 18-03-2019 Published: 03-07-2020
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This study is based on data published by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) in order to observe the transformation of anthroponymic uses in Spain from before the 30s to the present day. After reviewing the principles that govern socio-onomastic research, in which we frame our work, we analyse the data of the constituents of the different corpus from their frequency and range. Thus, in addition to offering a general overview of the current repertoire, we observe the changes that have taken place in the lists of the most used names and the weight that these imply in the system as a whole, which allows us to deduce changes in the patterns of use. Secondly, we analysed the role and relevance of compound names throughout the period studied. All this allows us to see, on the one hand, patterns in evolution that have their correlate in other linguistic communities and that reveal common trends with other varieties of Spanish and with other languages. On the other hand, parallel processes are detected between the onomastic level and the historical and social development of the country, affected also by internal conditioning factors and also by other phenomena (globalisation, urbanisation). There are also differentiated trends for men and women, who ratify resources and onomastic practices of different nature depending on the sex of their bearer.

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