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Luis García Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Diego Gabriel Krivochen
University of Reading
United Kingdom
Ana Bravo
Universidad de Murcia
Vol 23 (2017), Monográfico. Morfosintaxis y semántica del verbo en español: historia y descripción / Susana Azpiazu, coord.
Submitted: 02-03-2017 Accepted: 13-10-2017 Published: 05-07-2018
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Within the grammatical category of auxiliary verbs two classes must be distinguished, which we will refer to in this work as ‘lexical auxiliaries’ and ‘functional auxiliaries’. Both kinds can modify lexical verbs, but lexical auxiliaries can also be modified by an auxiliary themselves. This difference determines the way in which auxiliary chains are interpreted, a topic that has been rarely addressed in the bibliography on verbal periphrases
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