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Abdellah Baida
Université Mohammed V, Rabat
Vol 20 (2014), Especial: Artes y letras en Marruecos / Fatiha Benlabbah (coord.), pages 81-88
Submitted: 05-02-2016 Accepted: 05-02-2016
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In his stories, the author of four novels which are firmly anchored in the Moroccan culture, Mohammed Nedali, embraces a universe that is at once diversified yet also specific, and which delights the reader because of its richness, its poetry, its characters and its landscapes. By way of well carved out episodes of intrigue, a staging of situations which are expertly ordered and unexpected distress, and with a sparkling of the language of Molière that allows for a transparent twinkling of other languages, Nedali is able to build his own language and his own universe.
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