Vol 17 (2011), Articles
Submitted: 08-05-2012
Accepted: 08-05-2012
Published: 08-05-2012
Between the end of 19th and well into the 20th centuriy, Dialectology and Geo-graphical Linguistics used to illustrate their studies with phonetic transcriptions in order to show the speech variation which was analyzed in monographs and linguistic atlas. This article studies four of these works, two about Puerto Rico (Bareño 1898, and Navarro Tomás 1928), and two about the Dominican Republic (Navarro Tomás 1928, and Alvar 1983). The article de-scribes the work in which each phonetic text is included together with the characteristics of the system of phonetic notation employed by each author. Finally, the inventory of available texts (if they exist at all) is also given.
American Spanish, Puerto Rican Spanish, Dominican Republic Spanish, phonetic transcription, phonetic texts, Dialectology, Geographical Linguistics, Historiography of Linguistics