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Alexandre Veiga Rodríguez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus de Lugo
Vol 19 (2013), Articles
Submitted: 02-06-2014 Accepted: 02-06-2014
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The author reviews certain facts about temporal correlation that evince the possibility that in Spanish the simple form canté can express direct precedence focused from a future temporal reference («ante-future» relation). In parallel, he observes varied evidence of an unbreakable bond between the «primary» perspective of precedence and a simultaneous re-lation in the temporal content expressed by the compound verb he cantado. Consequently, he will propose the vector space formulary representation of the basic temporal realization of the latter as Oo(V?V) and its re-denomination as «pre-present» so as to implement a formulation and terminology coherent with the proposal of this new interpretation for said temporal content.
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