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Alex Toapanta
Vol 6 (2020), Articles, pages 71-88
Submitted: 26-05-2020 Accepted: 21-07-2020 Published: 15-09-2020
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Through the ideological analysis applied to the 12 digital transmission made by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, between August 12, 2017 and June 15, 2019, in this paper we have set as goals to know the elements that they compose the discursive structure and the political communication used to question the political procedure of the two years of the Government of who was his successor, Lenín Moreno. 

In total, there are 1,269 minutes of recording hosted on the YouTube, which include a series of political practices that we are interested in knowing and analyzing: simplification and depersonalization of the message, political delegitimization, symbol construction and image configuration, among other mechanisms that we also consider experiencing the germ of what could be his participation in the presidential elections of 2021.

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