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Miguel Ángel Pleitez Herrera
Instituto Salvadoreño para la Protección Integral de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (ISNA)
El Salvador
No 31 (2021): Health literacy at school and in the community, Articles
Submitted: 17-08-2021 Accepted: 09-11-2021 Published: 02-12-2021
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The VISPRECA strategy is a proposal for a socio-educational intervention aimed at the higher educational level, built from an action-research process with the chairs of Research Techniques and Learning Assessment of the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities of the Universidad Modular Abierta in El Salvador. The purpose of the strategy is to provide a methodological and operational tool to people who teach, facilitating the application of the gender approach in university chairs from a restorative and collaborative perspective. It is guided by the principles of visibility, equality, awareness, problematization, reparation, change and action; and, arises from the need for a more visible, humane and concrete approach to gender in the classroom that, in addition, is transversal to the teaching process, constituting a constant exercise of critical and problematizing gender dialogue throughout the academic cycle. At the methodological level, components of collaborative work and restorative practices were incorporated, in relation to the latter, an adaptation of the restorative circle is presented, as a proposal to raise the gender approach, from the daily life of the relationships between university actors and from the social imaginaries that weave the lives of the people participating in the process. Likewise, it has been structured in such a way that it can be an alternative applicable to the vital flow of the academy, articulating its three functions: teaching, research and social projection. What is presented has been a process agreed with students, and is ultimately an alternative subject to debate and improvement according to each context and experience of the person who applies it.