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Ricardo Carcelén González
Technical University Of Cartagena
No 29 (2019): Innovative educational responses to climate change, Articles, pages 95-108
Submitted: 08-08-2019 Accepted: 24-10-2019 Published: 10-12-2019
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The subject of Projects in Architecture has allowed from the past the application of active learning methodologies based on projects promoted by its teaching in workshop format and its evaluation system of works and portfolios. Method. The work is aimed at evaluating the incidence of the use of this type of methodologies on the motivation of university students. For this, different methodologies implemented during the last three academic years are analyzed in the subject Projects 6 of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. Results. In this paper, three variants of the active learning methodology based on projects are evaluated: conventional active method, interdisciplinary active learning and, finally, service-learning. For each one of them, a double valuation system is presented: quantitative, which analyzes parameters such as the abandonment rate, the success rate or the rank of qualifications; and qualitative, evidencing the degree of student satisfaction with the implementation of the different educational innovation instruments, as well as the methodologies themselves, which are presented here. Conclusions. The comparative analysis of the different variants of the methodology of active learning based on projects leads us to presume a greater influence of service-learning methodologies on the motivation of university students, who assume the usefulness of the task through the provision of service to the Community as a complementary incentive that increases its involvement with the subject of this study.

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