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Maria Dolores Cotelo Guerra
University of A Coruña
No 26 (2016): Gender and education: women`s education, the long way to equality, Works by invitation
Submitted: 26-09-2016 Accepted: 19-10-2016 Published: 14-11-2016
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This article deals with the female vocational training in Spain in the first third of the 20th century through a public initiative, as it was the Home and Professional School for Women; institution that arises in the midst of the social interest in Europe for women’s education, as well as the professional and domestic teachings. Its objectives, as they are collected in its name, were to provide skills that prepare women for a rational practice in the home as well as to guarantee them an artistic and scientific instruction for various professions proper for their sex and compatible with their social role. It is also traced an overview through the different stages of the institution, stopping especially in the Second Republic and the initiatives attempted for giving the centre a more professional character.



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