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Andres González Bellido
ICE - University of Barcelona
No 25 (2015): Institutes of Education Sciences. Research, innovation and training from its creation to the present day, Works by invitation
Submitted: 20-10-2015 Accepted: 02-12-2015 Published: 30-12-2015
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The TEI Program "peer tutoring", developed in Front Maritim High School, in Barcelona, is an educational strategy for school life, initially designed as a practical measure against violence and bullying, it has preventive and institutional features which involve the whole school community. It is an important resource in the process of participation, awareness, prevention and intervention in the school. It can be adapted as a tool against discouragement and failure, not just in a curricular way, but also personal and social.

Its starting point is the basis of ecological theory, treats peers inside the micro system and the relationships between them, creating a social learning, essential in the evolutionary process of the student in the mandatory schooling period.

Its objectives are: facilitating the process of integration of students entering the school, determining a benchmark (tutor) to promote integration, self-concept and self-esteem of new students, reducing the levels of insecurity in their own spaces and unknown organizations, correcting the imbalance of power and strength, always present in the harassment, (aggressor - victim), from a preventive and deterrent perspective, and finally cohering the education community and integrating and developing the Zero Tolerance concept as a sign of identity in the centre.

The development and update of the IST programme is made from the working groups and research of the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the University of Barcelona and the University of Santiago de Compostela, as well as the evaluation process which carried out the University of Alicante.



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