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Aida Terrón Bañuelos
Universidad de Oviedo
No 23 (2013): Innovations in the history of education, Works by invitation
Submitted: 11-10-2013 Accepted: 14-10-2013 Published: 12-11-2013
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This historical study analyses the transformation of the Spanish teaching administration in the decade of the 1960s; its aim being to dampen down the more political aspects in favor of a more bureaucratic stance, seemingly adopting the principles of efficiency, neutrality and professionalism.

The article investigates the role played by the CEDODEP (Centre for Information and Didactic Practice in Primary Education) which was committed to improving classroom practice for teachers. The article explores some of the methods recommended by the senior professionals of this organization in order to give the teachers the necessary expertise. These included a period of hands-on classroom experience as part of the initial training programme in the teacher training centers. The idea of promoting research-action as the most authentic means of honing the teachers’ skills, or the evaluation of teachers as the essential requirement for the overall improvement of the education system are some of these. All this within a political regime which maintained unchanged the inviolable principles of the true faith, which it presented as compatible with the scientific nature of educational practice.

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