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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor).
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Norms for authors.
  • If you are applying to a section of the journal which is reviewed by pairs, you should make sure that the instructions in Guaranteeing a blind review are followed.
  • If the paper contains any kind of material whose reproduction requires for permission, please indicate this circumstance (using Comments to the editor). Authors are responsible for respecting intellectual property when they reproduce materials as part of their works and must send the corresponding permissions to the journal.
    The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.


Article proposals should be submitted in Word format, with an A4 page size. The line spacing will be one and a half, with no spaces or tabs between the paragraphs. Neither front and back spacing nor indentation will be accepted. The source used will be Times New Roman, and the size 12 points.


The text should be conveniently structured in sections and subsections. These will be indicated as follows:

1.1.1. Subheading section Subpart of subpart


The data of the author: name, surname, email, institution, etc. Should only be included in the corresponding section of the OJS application. In no case should the Word file uploaded to the platform contain such information. The article submitted to the evaluators must be completely anonymous.


All article proposals should contain a summary in the original language of the article, and an English translation of the article. In case the original language of the article is English, the translated abstract must be in Spanish.
In the same way, each article proposal should contain between 4 and 10 key words, also presented in two languages according to the logic of the abstracts.


The citation format of the journal corresponds to the APA regulations, we attach a brief description of the format:

In the writing of a scientific paper or document, each time we rely on the ideas or texts of others we have to make it known through a system of author-date citations. These short citations are expanded into a final reference list, which provides full bibliographic information.

The quotation within the text is therefore a short reference that identifies the publication from which a phrase has been extracted or paraphrased an idea, and indicates the precise location within the source publication.

This quote must be inserted in the text at the appropriate point for each case and must provide the following information: surname (s) of the author (s), date of publication and specific page (s) of the citation.

Citation according to the number of authors

One or two authors: they are cited every time the reference appears in the text.

Fernández Rodríguez and Sanjurjo Rivo (2005) argue [...]

Three, four or five authors: all are cited the first time and in the following only the surname of the first is cited followed by the abbreviation et al. and the year.

Simon, Alberte and Smith (1992) demonstrated [...] (first date)
Simón et al. (1999) obtained [...] (following quotations)

When citing the exact words of the author must be enclosed in quotation marks and the author, the date and the page from which the information has been obtained must be recorded, separated by a comma and in parentheses:

"The development of contemporary events shows that we are no longer facing a monolithic world" (Sansó-Rubert, 2010, p.4).

If the author's name appears as part of the exhibition, only the year of publication in parentheses should be cited.

As Fernández Rodríguez (2001) states, "the Democratic State bases its effectiveness on the public opinion" (p.170).

If what is reproduced is the idea of an author (not his exact words) no quotation marks will be placed and the author's last name followed by the date of publication of the work to which it refers will be indicated in brackets.

The problem of money laundering must also pay attention to the income obtained by the entities in attribution of income (Ruibal Pereira, 2003).

In the case where both the year and the author are provided as part of the textual information, it is not necessary to add information in parentheses.

In 1932 Schmitt's study of legality and legitimacy showed that ...

When an author has more than one publication in the same year, the year of publication is accompanied by a lowercase letter. The same letter will also be assigned in the list of references.

As Fernández Rodríguez (2012a, p.65) points out, "traffic data are singularly present in digital communications."

General recommendations

You can not delete a part of the text quoted without pointing out. Should always be indicated with an ellipsis in square brackets [...]

"The ability to standardize intelligence work through globally [...] accepted standards.

Also, any comments that are inserted must appear in brackets [ ]

"Last year [the author writes in 2009] crime rates did not skyrocket"
If there is an error in the cited text, it should be kept, but the reader should be warned with the [sic] annotation in italic and bracketed.

"On March 10 we arrived in the city of Segobia [sic]"
If the error is very obvious, the correction between brackets may be indicated, preceded by the abbreviation [i.e.] in italics.

"The arrival of man to the Moon in 1699 [i.e. 1969] was a historical landmark."


All articles should also include a final table with the bibliography and the references indicated in the text. These will also follow the layout of the APA, summarized below.

It is imperative that each citation that has been inserted in the text has its corresponding reference in the final list and, conversely, any entry in the list of references must have been quoted within the text.

Since one of the purposes of the reference list is to allow the reader to retrieve and use the cited sources, the reference data must be correct and complete. Each entry generally contains the following elements: author, year of publication, title and publication data (place and publisher).

The following sections explain, in detail and with some examples, the characteristics of style and punctuation prescribed to compose bibliographical references of the main types of documents.

If there is a need to cite other documents, the APA Publications Manual can be consulted.

General Guidelines

The data for writing the quote will be taken from the original document to which they refer, and will be drawn mainly from the cover.

As regards authorship, the following rules must be taken into account:
- To write the title, the criterion of capitalization of the language in which the information is given will be respected.

- Subtitles can be included after the title, separated by a colon and space (: )

- If there is no date in the document we can give an approximate date by prefixing the abbreviation for circa: ca. between brackets.

Example: Schmitt, C. [ca. 1937]

In the case of electronic documents, the DOI (digital object identifier) must be indicated whenever it is available.

How to cite a monograph

The monographs, following the rules of the APA, are cited according to the following general scheme:

Last name (s), initials of the name. (Year of publication). Title of the book in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Optionally we can put the mention of edition, that will be in brackets following the title. And, if it is the case, the volume that will be in italics.

One author

Fernández Rodríguez, J. J. (2004). Secreto e intervención de comunicaciones en Internet. Madrid: Civitas.
Kissinger, H. (1995). Diplomacy (2nd ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster.

Several authors

Pegoraro, L. and Rinella, A. (2000). Le fonti nel diritto comparato. Turin: Giappichelli.

Mention different from the author

When it comes to compilers, editors, coordinators or directors will be specified after the name and parentheses.

Fernández Rodríguez, J. J., Sansó-Rubert Pascual, D., Pulido Grajera, J., and Monsalve, R. (coords.). (2012). Cuestiones de inteligencia en la sociedad contemporánea. Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa.

How to cite a chapter from a book

The chapters of the books are quoted according to the following general scheme:

Last name (s), initials of name (s). (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Surname (s) Editor A, B. B. Surname (s) Publisher B, and C. Surname (s) Editor C (eds. Or comps, etc.), Title of the book in italics (pp. xxx-xxx). Place of publication: Publisher.

An author
Fernández Rodríguez, J. J. (2007). Las exigencias jurídicas del voto electrónico. In L. Cotino Hueso (coord.), Democracia, participación y voto a través de las nuevas tecnologías (pp. 301-318). Granada: Comares.

Several authors
Eto, G. and Palomino, J. (2003). El control de constitucionalidad. In E. Ferrer (coord.), Derecho Procesal Constitucional (pp. 231-258). Mexico City: Porrúa.

Contributions to congresses or symposia are quoted in the same way:
Aguilera Klink, F. (2003). Vigencia y necesidad de la nueva economía del agua. In P. Arrojo Agudo and L. del Moral Ituarte (coords.), La directiva marco del agua: realidades y futuros. III Congreso Ibérico sobre Gestión y Planificación de Aguas (pp. 175-184). Zaragoza: University of Zaragoza.

How to cite a magazine article

A journal article, following the rules of the APA, is quoted according to the following general scheme:

Last name (s), initials of name or names. (Year of publication). Article title. Title of the journal in italics, volume of the magazine (issue number in brackets), first page - last page of the article.

One author
Schmitz, H. P. (2004). Domestic and Transnational Perspectives on Democratization. International Studies Review, 6 (3), 403-426.

Two or more authors
Gutiérrez Espada, C. and Cervell Hortal, M. J. (2013), Sistemas de armas autonómas, drones y derecho internacional. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2, 130-160.

Quoting an Internet resource

The resources available on the Internet can present a very varied typology, ranging from magazines to monographs, portals, databases, etc. Therefore, it is very difficult to give a general guideline that serves any type of resource.

At least one Internet reference must have the following data:

Title and authors of the document.

Availability and location: Electronic address (URL) or DOI (Digital Object Identifier). In case of having DOI, the URL is omitted.

Recovery or consultation dates should not be included, unless the source material may change over time (wikis).

Let us see, through different examples, how some types of electronic resources are specifically mentioned.


The same form of quotation is used as for printed monographs. You must add the URL and the date the document was viewed

Ballesteros Martin, M.A. (2016). En busca de una Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional [electronic version]. Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa. Retrieved from: http://www.ieee.es/Galerias/fichero/OtrasPublicaciones/Nacional/2016/MABM_ESN.pdf

Articles of online journals:

The same form of quotation is used as for printed magazine articles. The URL or DOI must be added:

Cotino Hueso, L. (2015). Algunas cuestiones clave de protección de datos en la nuve. Hacia una “regulación nebulosa”. Revista catalana de dret public, 51, 85-103. DOI: 10.2436 / 20.8030.01.55

Articles of electronic journals found in a database:

The same form of quotation is used as for printed magazine articles. It is not necessary to include the name of the database where the article was found.

De la Corte Ibáñez, L. (2016). ¿Qué pueden haber los estados para frenar la radicalización yihadista? Cuadernos de Estrategia, 180, 125-166. Retrieved from: DIALNET file: /// C: /Users/Julio/Downloads/Dialnet-QuePuedenHacerEuropeanStatesForFrenarLaRadica-5673510.pdf

Note that there is no endpoint when a reference ends with a URL or DOI

How to cite unpublished documents (theses, dissertations ...)

Documents (such as theses, dissertations ...) that have not been published and which are not known for possible publication are cited according to the following scheme:

Surname name. (Year). Title of the work in italics. (Unpublished document class: unpublished doctoral thesis, unpublished document ...). Academic institution in which it is presented. Place.

Simón Navarro, F. (2015). La protección de los menores no acompañados. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela.

If the document has already been published, it will be cited as a monograph following the following scheme:

Surname name. (Year). Title of the work in italics. (Thesis). Academic institution in which it is presented. Place.


Bibliographical references must be presented alphabetically by the author's last name, or by the first author, if there are more than one author.

If an author has several works will be ordered by order of appearance.

If there are several references of the same author from the same author, the years followed by a lowercase letter will be specified and sorted alphabetically.

If they are works by an author in collaboration with other authors, the order will be indicated by the surname of the second author, regardless of the year of publication. Individual publications are placed before the collaborative works.


The tables and images will be attached in an attachment file that will be uploaded after the main to the OJS application. In any case, the main file must indicate the place destined for each figure in the attached file.


Proposals can only be accepted if they are uploaded through the OJS system of the journal, housed in the digital magazine portal of the University of Santiago de Compostela www.usc.es/revistas