No 27 (2015)

SIG and historical knowledge

Edition by Antón A. Rodríguez Casal and Ramón Blanco Chao

Published: 2016-01-13

Table of contents

Index and Presentation

  • Antón Abel Rodríguez Casal
Published: 12-01-2016

Integration of the territorial information official sources for the Galician agroscapes cartography

  • Manuel Borobio Sanchiz
  • José Daniel Turrado Sánchez
  • Augusto Pérez Alberti
Published: 12-01-2016

GIS and reality: floods in As Pontes de García Rodríguez (A Coruña)

  • Alexandre Luis Vázquez Rodríguez
Published: 12-01-2016

Semi-automatic mapping of cultural heritage from airbone laser scanning data

  • Øivind Due Trier
  • Lars Holger Pilø
  • Hans Marius Johansen
Published: 12-01-2016

Integrated management territory and heritage: the importance of Geographic Information Systems

  • Rita Ferreira Anastácio
  • Luíz Oosterbeek
  • Pierluigi Rosina
Published: 12-01-2016

Evolution of the Palaeolithic sites Settlement Patterns from Monforte de Lemos (Lugo, Galicia)

  • Arturo de Lombera Hermida
  • Mikel Díaz Rodríguez
  • Augusto Pérez Alberti
  • Alicia Ameijendas Iglesias
  • Xosé Pedro Rodríguez Álvarez
  • Ramón Fábregas Valcarce
Published: 12-01-2016

Galician rock art: an approach from the Spatial Statistics and the GIS

  • Carlos Rodríguez Rellán
  • Ramón Fábregas Valcarce
Published: 12-01-2016

Geographic Information Systems applied to urban archaeology: the case of the “SIP” of Santiago de Compostela

  • Manuel Anxo López-Felpeto Gómez
  • Miguel Carrero Pazos
Published: 12-01-2016