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Bruno Monteiro Duarte
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Nathália Thais Cosmo da Silva
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Ivonete da Silva Lopes
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
No 34 (2022): Espazos, Dossier
Submitted: 17-10-2022 Accepted: 23-01-2023 Published: 08-03-2023
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This article seeks to explore the potential of intersectionality as an analytical tool for understanding the current dimensions of climate change. It brings state-of-the-art results about the interface of environmental racism themes and their intersectionalities in national and international works that address the effects of climate change. The research was carried out on the SciELo, Scopus and Latindex platforms, in the period between 2012 and 2021, in which a total of fifteen works classified as eligible for the present analysis were selected. It was concluded that in recent years the number of works has been increasing, however there are still many gaps, especially in research on the Brazilian context, which tend not to recognize the peculiarities of the relationships of different subjects and social groups with climate change. Therefore, the absence of scientific research on this theme makes it impossible to build tools capable of analyzing the complexity of injustices present in Brazilian society.

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