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Sergio Meijide Casas
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 32 (2020), Dossier, pages 19-34
Submitted: 14-12-2019 Accepted: 03-09-2020 Published: 13-11-2020
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Although Roland Barthes has been generally introduced as the one who ended a certain interest in authorship, his writings from the early 1970s problematize his simple ascription to the ‘death of the author’ thesis, and that anticipates a return to the biography that would take place later and still endures to this day. The objective of this text is to recover his piecemeal reflections on biographemes in order to explain how they were received in François Dosse’s thinking and some other biographers’ endeavour. Furthermore, the aim of this text is to find out how this concept can be articulated as a methodology that escapes the textualist fiction that has often been associated with.

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