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Remedios Albiach
Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible. InstitutoValenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (CDAS-IVIA). Carretera CV-315, Km 10,7. 46113-Moncada. ESPAÑA.
Fernando Pomares
Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible. InstitutoValenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (CDAS-IVIA). Carretera CV-315, Km 10,7. 46113-Moncada. ESPAÑA.
Marta Ribó
Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible. InstitutoValenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (CDAS-IVIA). Carretera CV-315, Km 10,7. 46113-Moncada. ESPAÑA.
Ana Pérez- Piqueres
Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible. InstitutoValenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (CDAS-IVIA). Carretera CV-315, Km 10,7. 46113-Moncada. ESPAÑA.
Rodolfo Canet
Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible. InstitutoValenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (CDAS-IVIA). Carretera CV-315, Km 10,7. 46113-Moncada. ESPAÑA.
No 12 (2016), Artigos orixinais
Recibido: 19-12-2017 Aceptado: 19-12-2017 Publicado: 19-12-2017
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Severe problems are caused by site burning of rice straw in Valencia, the third largest Spanish city. Removal, incorporation or composting are being tested as alternatives to burning, and the changes they produce in selected soil biological properties have been studied in two field trials. One compares removal, burning and incorporation the straw, and a second evaluates the application of straw-derived compost for rice production. No statistically-significant effects on the measured indicators of biological activity were found in either experiment, indicating that management-induced changes are small. Unexpectedly, burning did not affect negatively enzyme activities or microbial biomass contents since there were no differences between treatments, or usual levels were recovered in a few months. The changes induced by straw removal or incorporation were also not statistically significant. When straw-derived compost applications were assayed, dehydrogenase activity was slightly variable and apparently unaffected by N and compost rates or compost/mineral N combinations, but phosphomonosterase activity seems to increase parallel to compost to mineral N ratio.
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