Recursos Rurais Revista do IBADER (Instituto de Biodiversidade e Desenvolvemento Agrario) is an international, annually published, journal founded in 2005, that receives articles, reviews and original notes connected to the research and technological development in the field of conservation and management of biodiversity and the environment, systems of agricultural production, grazing and forest, and territory planning, tending to favour the sustainable development of the natural resources of the rural space.

Recursos Rurais is indexed in DOAJ, Latindex Catalogue 2.0 , Fuente Académica Premier, Biological Abstracts (BA), BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, URBADOC, AGRIS, ISOC, ICYT, DIALNET, Cirbic, Rebiun, Internet Archive.

The digital portal of Recursos Rurais appears in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.

No 19 (2023)

Recursos Rurais

Published: 2023-12-22

Table of contents

Impact of organic manures on tomato yield and density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Saguiya area (Niger)

  • Ibrahim Jamilou Salissou
  • Dahiratou Ibrahim Doka
  • Abdoul R. Harouna Maidoukia
  • Abdoul L. Youchaou
  • Remigio Paradelo Núñez
  • Moussa Baradje
  • Saidou Addam Kiari
  • Sabiou Mahamane
  • Youssouf Mohamadou
Published: 22-12-2023
Pages 5-14

Reasons and passions: critical review of the eucalyptization process in Spain

  • Alfonso de Luaces
  • Karsten Schröder
Published: 22-12-2023
Pages 15-54

Update of the wolf census of northern Galicia. Critical assessment of methodology and results of the 2021-2022 Xunta de Galicia census

  • Pedro Alonso Iglesias
  • David Martínez Lago
  • Miguel Hevia Barcón
Published: 22-12-2023
Pages 67-82

Administrative inspections regarding animal protection

  • Lucía Belver
  • Mercedes Camiña
  • Jesús Cantalapiedra
Published: 22-12-2023
Pages 83-91
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