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Oscar Blumetto
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA) Estación Experimental INIA Las Brujas, Ruta 48 km 10, Rincón del Colorado, Canelones, Uruguay
No 18 (2022), Original articles, pages 5-15
Submitted: 12-07-2022 Published: 26-07-2022
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Livestock production generates environmental impact through the modification of natural habitats and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. However, livestock based on natural grasslands and managed with adequate grazing intensity adjustment, can also have positive impacts, and mitigate several negative effects. This work is based on the analysis of information on bird populations and summarizes data obtained in 30 livestock farms and four experimental fields of the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA), generated during 15 years in various research projects. A total of 274 species of birds were recorded, 43 of which are considered a priority for conservation. The presence of priority grassland specialist species is analyzed based on livestock system management. For this objective, species are classified into three groups according to habitat needs. From the analysis it appears that bird species that require grasslands with low grass or the occurrence of patches of tall grassland in the matrix of low grasslands, can find suitable conditions in well-managed cattle farms. Species that exclusively require tall grasslands have difficulty finding the right conditions within livestock systems.

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