Régimen y riesgo agroclimático de heladas en Lugo, provincia de Lugo, Galicia, España
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The aim of this paper was to find out the agro climatic frost regime and risk by means of their season of occurrence and genetic type, to analyze his dangerousness on the cultures, and to observe the trend in the free period of frosts in the last 10 years (1996-2005) respect of the period 1975-1995, in Lugo.
A historical register of minimum temperatures measured in meteorological shelter throughout 31 years in the district of Lugo, province of Lugo (lat.: 43° 03’ N; long.: 7° 30’ W and alt.: 480 m above sea level) was consulted. The results showed a greater frequency of spring frosts (March, April and May) than that of autumn ones (October and November). The short frost-free season may be an impediment in the propagation of fruit crops in the area, mainly those which require fewer hours of cold.Keywords:
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