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P. A. da C. Pinto
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
L. E. Dias
V. H. Alvarez V.
M. M. Choudhury
G. Vieira
No 5 (2009), Original articles, pages 5-13
Submitted: 12-07-2018 Published: 11-09-2018
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Evaluation of the nutritional estate of mango (Mangifera indica L.), variety Tommy Atkins, using DRIS in the Submédio of River São Francisco Valley: Norms Establishment. This work aimed to determine norms of the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) for mango crop, variety Tommy Atkins. Sixty three representative commercial orchards in the Submédio of River São Francisco Valley, in the Northeast of Brazil, were evaluated. The region does not make use of a set of norms of diagnose of leaves for the culture, being the diagnosis of the nutritional state and the recommendations of fertilization based in ranges of tenors of nutrients in leaves of mango in different regions. Samples of leaves were collected for chemical analysis, before the application of bud dormancy breaker. The DRIS norms for plants nutrition were established based on a database created in this research, with the nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The norms, established from a population reference with production equal or superior to 250 kg/plant, are representative of the environmental conditions of the main producing zone of mango of the country, being applicable to the crop nutrition diagnosis. Of the ninety relationships considered among nutrients, sixty two were significant for the test F, and forty four of then have been selected as norms for the culture.
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