Avaliação do estado nutricional da mangueira Tommy Atkins no submédio do vale do rio São Francisco: cálculo dos índices DRIS
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The Integrated System diagnosis and Recommendation, DRIS, is an important tool in assessing the nutritional status of the plants. The aims of this study were to assess the nutritional status of mango orchards of Tommy Atkins in Submédio of valley of São Francisco, in Brazil, through the DRIS, linking the rates with the levels of nutrients and leaf discriminate on the order of limitation of each nutrient sub samples of high and low productivity. Were sampled sixty-three commercial orchards with seven or more years old. With the leaf tenors of macro and micronutrients DRIS indexes were calculated, using as reference data from the subpopulation of high productivity. The highest average indices of Nutritional Balance (IBNm) recorded in orchards of low productivity demonstrated the potential of this index in assessing the nutritional status of the mango, and the need for fertilization more wise in such orchards. The use of the concept of potential response to fertilization in the interpretation of the indices DRIS proved to be an effective tool, particularly in low productivity of orchards, where the nutritional imbalances were higher, confirming the sequence of the excess to deficiency, helping the final diagnosis, indicating the nutrients what really are in deficiency or excess.
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- P. A. da C. Pinto, L. E. Dias, V. H. Alvarez V., M. M. Choudhury, G. Vieira, Avaliação de estado nutricional da mangueira Tommy Atkins no submédio do vale do rio São Francisco: estabelecimento das normas DRIS , Recursos Rurais: No 5 (2009)