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Elvira A. Díaz Vizcaíno
Dpto. Botánica. Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidade deSantiago de Compostela
Diego Val Mouriño
Dpto. Botánica. Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 11 (2015), Original articles
Submitted: 16-05-2016 Accepted: 16-05-2016
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We studied seed production and germination of two threatened endemic species from Galicia, analyzing
both light and fire (heat and soil burned, ash) effects, to assess whether these factors affect their rarity. Armeria merinoi and Santolina melidensis showed elevated healthyseed production and high and fast germination, both in photoperiod and darkness. Thus, the maintenance of a soil seed bank contributing to maintaining populations seems unlikely in the study species. Heat vulnerability during fire events differed according to the species. Sensitivity in Armeria merinoi is similar to what has been previously reported for other species from Galicia. However, the sensitivity observed in Santolina melidensis was higher. The effect of adding ashes from burned soils also varied between the species, in such way that germination rate and level resulted affected in Santolina melidiensis, but not in Armeria merinoi. This fact suggests the existence of substances contained in ash, which can somehow affect
physiological processes.
Fire reduces initially seed germination and their viability in both species, favouring a posteriori the fast germination of the remaining viable seeds of Santolina melidensis via the ashes in the burned soil.
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