Distribution patterns of trees in Forest Reserve El Dorado-Tumeremo, Bolívar-Venezuela
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The distribution pattern of commercial trees was analyzed in the El Dorado-Tumeremo Forest Reserve, Bolivar state, Venezuela. Null hypothesis of Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR) was proposed, applying spatial exploratory methods without marks and multivariate point pattern test (α = 0,05). The dominant spatial distribution pattern was found was the aggregate type. Spatial density function increases under a second order polynomial structure, evidenced by the K and L functions. Besides, was identified that Soil mapping, Slope of the terrain and Distance to the Drainage Network that influence the occurrence process of commercial trees. The homogeneous point pattern models showed poor fits, a Thomas-type inhomogeneous process that statistically evidenced the occurrence of parent and child trees was identified and modeled effectively. It is recommended to model the process of inhomogeneous point patterns with covariates (Species, Volume, and others).
Article Details
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