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Álvaro-Francisco Morote
Universitat de València
Juan Ramón Moreno
Universidad de Murcia
Vol 4 No 17 (2022): SDGs 14 and 15 on the training and information agendas | Disinformation, Research articles
Submitted: 21-09-2022 Accepted: 21-11-2022 Published: 16-12-2022
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The main objective of this work is to analyze the perception of teachers in training (Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, Primary, Secondary Education Master) of the universities of Murcia and Valencia (Spain) regarding the effects of climate change on biodiversity and bioculturality (SDGs n.14 and n.15). Methodologically, a questionnaire was passed to teachers in training (n= 756) between the 2018-19 and 2021-22 courses. The results obtained indicate that the main means of information from which they receive questions about climate change are social networks (57.5%), and the effects that are disseminated are mainly the increase in temperature, melting ice, extinction of species and the increase in natural risks. These last two would be directly linked to the loss of biodiversity and bioculturality. Regarding the manipulation of the information that is disseminated in these media, half of the participants have responded with “indifferent” values. Likewise, it has been proven that disciplinary training has a direct influence on the issues that teachers perceive about climate change. In conclusion, it is of considerable interest to raise awareness and encourage in training teachers the interpretation and search for information on this phenomenon and its effects so that they are critical of the information that is disseminated on an issue that will increase in the educational field.