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Santiago Rodríguez Feijoó
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Delia Dávila Quintana
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Alejandro Rodríguez Caro
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Margarita Tejera Gil
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
v. 28 n. 3 (2019), Articles, páginas 37-54
Recibido: 13-07-2019 Aceito: 13-07-2019 Publicado: 19-12-2019
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


Tourism is the main source of wealth for many regions. These make their territory available to the tourist industry for the creation of infrastructures and facilities for tourist services. The peculiarities of the tourist product favor the appearance of intermediaries outside the destination, who compete to obtain a part of tourism spending, largely by the hand of new technologies, detracting resources to the destination that could be aimed at improving their growth and wellness. In the present paper, we use tourist data from the Canary Islands destination, covering the years 2006-2017, to study the share of the total tourist expenditure paid directly to the service provider in the destination, identifying their determinant variables and the evolution along of the studied years. The results show that the percentage of expenditure at the destination is affected by economic, sociodemographic, travel-related characteristics and with the ICT use but, ceteris paribus, this percentage is systematically decreasing over time, even when new technologies are used in the process of buying holidays.



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