Contido principal do artigo

Carlos Arriaga Costa
University of Minho – School of Economics and Management
Orlando Petiz Pereira
University of Minho – School of Economics and Management
v. 28 n. 1 (2019), Articles, páginas 102-116
Recibido: 13-07-2019 Aceito: 13-07-2019 Publicado: 12-09-2019
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


Trust is an important value for the understanding and strengthening of human relations. It translates into the expectation of the persistence and fulfilment of the natural and moral order and underpins a truly meaningful existence. It fosters interactions, cooperation, empathy and well-being amongst individuals. It helps them to respond efficiently to everyday challenges and build a more dignified, fraternal and less conflictive society. This research seeks to understand the level of confidence of university students in various aspects of their academic lives, particularly in their relationships with colleagues, teachers, family and academic and community institutions, inter alia. While students indicate that they have a lot of confidence in their families and close friends and colleagues, their confidence in academic institutions and in the community as a whole is very fragile. Most of the students involved in this research do very little volunteer or philanthropic work but are aware that such activities impact positively in their becoming good citizens. They state that leadership is a value they aspire to and express strong motivation to become entrepreneurs in various areas of business. On comparing the different educational choices made by students, it would appear that those attending social science courses are more highly motivated to do work for the community than students involved in other areas of study who tend to favour their individual interests. 



Detalles do artigo


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