Main Article Content

Alberto Vaquero García
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo. GEN-Universidade de Vigo
Vol 32 No 1 (2023), Articles, pages 1-27
Submitted: 23-08-2022 Accepted: 11-11-2022 Published: 07-03-2023
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Galicia, like many other autonomous regions, has opted for the creation of associations as supramunicipal entities for the provision of certain services and infrastructure. The increase in the number of participating municipalities is not always accompanied by an adequate degree of compliance with their obligation to release their economic reports. In addition, those that do comply, demonstrate the existence of excessive financial dependence on public administrations other than municipalities. This paper aims, firstly, to analyze and evaluate these issues from an economic perspective and, secondly, to propose some reflections that could contribute to improving the way that association of municipalities in Galicia are run.