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Maria-Chiara Michelini
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Neurociencias y educación infantil, Miscelánea, pages 127-138
Submitted: 09-07-2018 Accepted: 09-07-2018 Published: 13-07-2018
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abstract This article wants to explore the possible specific characteristics of a community of thought in the infant school, starting from the search about The reflective teacher. It discusses the significance of a community that constitutes itself intentionally to exert the best form of thought, developing a reflection of a second level, which reverses the premises, the assumptions and the motives of action. A reflection and a community, therefore, that differ from other forms that, as well, are needed to address in an intelligent manner the problems and the demands of the practice, in a  perspective of continuous and progressive improvement. Throughout the analysis the contribution expresses in this direction, some of the methods used and the results achieved in this research. The speech contains examples of the words actually used by the participating teachers; such expressions have been selected among the rich documentation collected in the survey.

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