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Solange Passaris
Françoise Brochet
Volumen 4, nº2 (Julio 2015). Familia y escuela infantil., Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 77-88
Submitted: 21-02-2018 Published: 21-02-2018
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This article gather the story of the ACEPP, a large network of local initiatives of fostering and education of children in France, intertwined with the analysis of different service policies for society and children from the 70s of the twentieth Century until today, in connection with the participation of groups of parents involved in the care and education of their children. It starts describing the society of the ‘70s, with plenty of social experiments and the “sons of Dolto” and the May 68, looking for new forms of life and education for the children, making the Government efforts to modernize. The characteristics of the revolution of customs in early childhood education that takes place in the 80s, largely driven by the ACEPP, are described. The article trackles the ways to foster early childhood in rural areas, with parental involvement initiatives. After explaining different milestones in legislation and policy, reflections on tendencies at the present time and on the future tasks of the ACEPP are made, preserving the initial spirit of innovation, even if the scenery changes.

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