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  • R. Lois Ferradás Blanco
R. Lois Ferradás Blanco
Volumen 4, nº2 (Julio 2015). Familia y escuela infantil., Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 19-26
Submitted: 21-02-2018 Published: 21-02-2018
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This article serves as an introduction to the monograph of this issue presenting our reflections on educational (and also political) importance of implementing measures to promote the relationship between families and schools. Departing from the Spanish reality, we offer a proposal for the classification of specific forms of parental involvement in children’s education centers. Then we analyze some conceptions that underlie these kinds of relationships that we consider deviants. In our opinion these relations are true blind alleys, that do not lead anywhere (never toward a realistic partnership). We end our reflections by mentioning some fundamental characteristics of the attitudes that allow such kind of fruitful families involvement. Finally, as coordinator of this monograhp, I will introduce each of the contributions that make part of it.

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