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Neusa Maria Roveda Stimamiglio
Sueli Salva
Vol. 4, nº3 (Diciembre 2015). Educación Infantil y Multiculturalidad, Experiencias, pages 211-230
Submitted: 20-02-2018 Published: 03-01-2016
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The psychogenetic theories, based on Piaget’s, Wallon’s and Vygotsky’s works, are l theoretical contributions to understand the importance of considering the subject of learning as an integral subject, considering the physicality, emotion, affection and intelligence. The prospect of Pedagogy in-Participation developed by Formosinho contributes and aligns itself with this way of understanding the subject. Theorists have addressed, according to the specificities of each theory, a dynamic subject against the learning object, an integral subject, dated historically and inserted in a culture, a subject of affection, endowed with emotions, which builds knowledge acting, participating , exploring, seeking for solutions to her/his problems; a person who learns and grasps the world fully. This article aims to deepen the reflection on the pedagogical implications of the experiences of embodiment, the playfulness during the early years of elementary school when the child is building the reading system and writing, the so-called literacy cycle, starting from this issue: How to work pedagogically in the early school years, taking a look at the whole subject, and the expression of corporeality and the playfulness in learning? The article aims to achieve a theoretical study on the subject and suggests the importance of the teacher as an important element, a mediator, needing for that to provide pedagogical situations favorable to the group, and in the play situation; children are involved and engaged mentally, with the possibility of creation and innovation, developing the physical, social, moral, cognitive and emotional spheres.

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