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Mónica Maier
Vol. 3 nº3 (Diciembre 2014). "María Montessori: una lectura desde y para el s. XXI", Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 117-123
Submitted: 20-02-2018 Published: 30-12-2014
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Understanding the specificity of educational alternatives in Romania is conditioned by the clarifying of issues regarding the appearance of pedagogical theories, and the providing of information concerning the dissemination of these ideas into the world and into Romanian space, focusing on its triple specificity: compared to the traditional school, to other educational alternatives, and to the primary version of the personal alternative. Most controversies were generated by the fact that in Romania, unlike the majority of Western systems, the educational alternatives became a part of the national education system. Because of this, the sub-system cannot be exempted from the application of regulations, an aspect considered by its representatives as an intrusion and violation of the specificity of alternative education. The Ministry of Education uniformly and unconditionally supports the development of educational pluralism, and the existence of educational alternatives in the national education system represents a confirmation of the benefits of the student-centered education and a validation of the effectiveness of promoting education for freedom.

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