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Silvia Magro-Vela
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
No 23 (2024), Articles
Submitted: 27-05-2023 Accepted: 11-09-2023 Published: 25-11-2024
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The aim of this paper is to suggest a classification proposal of the different opening title sequence types that are used at the beginning of an episode and that coexist nowadays in the TV series ecosystem. This goal is determined by two main issues: on the one hand, the absence of specific taxonomical models aimed to opening titles sequences study. And, on the other hand, the relevance acquired in recent decades by fiction on television, which has emerged as the gravitational center of the programming of many channels. The irruption of digital content platforms has intensified this feature and has increased production. Despite of difficulty of stablishing categories, it has been possible to outline a set of groups which work as a basis to make a complete and complex observation that favors research and results in a greater knowledge of this creative redoubts.
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