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Mª Lucía Lahoz Gutiérrez
Universidad de Salamanca
No 21 (2022), Subject. Art in times of pandemic: bodies, diseases and resilience
Submitted: 07-04-2022 Accepted: 20-04-2022 Published: 08-11-2022
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This article proposes a tour of the body and its medieval images, with special emphasis on sculpture, a three-dimensional representation that leads to the corporeal experience and the active reception of its performances. Monumental facades and tombs are institutional and personal promotions, public and private, that cover the need for representation and presentation of power, in images capable of generating rites and social phenomena. This demonstrates the reciprocity art/life, art/reality, and reveals the body endowed with moralized gestures and covered with symbolic clothing, but rather projected from gazes educated by those representations filtered by values involved in political situations of the historical periods (our present, and the past that we observe through its vestiges). Thus, the body itself is constructed as historical and cultural image that covers the biological or natural body materializing ideologies.